All files / Scripts MHADates.ts

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import dayjs from "dayjs";
import localizedFormat from "dayjs/plugin/localizedFormat";
import { DateWithNum } from "./DateWithNum";
export class MHADates {
    static {
    // parse date using dayjs, with fallback to browser based parsing
    public static parseDate(date: string): DateWithNum {
        // Cross browser dates - ugh!
        // Invert any backwards dates: 2018-01-28 -> 01-28-2018
        // dayjs can handle these, but inverting manually makes it easier for the dash replacement
        date = date.replace(/\s*(\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})/g, "$2/$3/$1");
        // Replace dashes with slashes
        date = date.replace(/\s*(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{4})/g, "$1/$2/$3");
        // If we don't have a +xxxx or -xxxx on our date, it will be interpreted in local time
        // This likely isn't the intended timezone, so we add a +0000 to get UTC
        const offset: RegExpMatchArray | null = date.match(/[+|-]\d{4}/);
        const originalDate: string = date;
        let offsetAdded = false;
        if (!offset || offset.length !== 1) {
            date += " +0000";
            offsetAdded = true;
        // Some browsers (firefox) don't like milliseconds in dates, and dayjs doesn't hide that from us
        // Trim off milliseconds so we don't pass them into dayjs
        const milliseconds: RegExpMatchArray | null = date.match(/\d{1,2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.(\d+)/);
        date = date.replace(/(\d{1,2}:\d{2}:\d{2}).(\d+)/, "$1");
        if (dayjs) {
            // And now we can parse our date
            let time: dayjs.Dayjs = dayjs(date);
            // If adding offset didn't work, try adding time and offset
            if (!time.isValid() && offsetAdded) { time = dayjs(originalDate + " 12:00:00 AM +0000"); }
            if (milliseconds && milliseconds.length >= 2) {
                time = time.add(Math.floor(parseFloat("0." + milliseconds[1]) * 1000), "ms");
            return new DateWithNum(
                time.format("l LTS"));
        else E{
            let dateNum = Date.parse(date);
            Iif (milliseconds && milliseconds.length >= 2) {
                dateNum = dateNum + Math.floor(parseFloat("0." + milliseconds[1]) * 1000);
            return new DateWithNum(
                new Date(dateNum).toLocaleString().replace(/\u200E|,/g, ""));