All files / Scripts Strings.ts

43.24% Statements 16/37
75% Branches 9/12
50% Functions 5/10
40% Lines 14/35

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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import $ from "jquery";
import { diagnostics } from "./Diag";
export class Strings {
    public static copyToClipboard(str: string): void {
        const textArea: HTMLTextAreaElement = document.createElement("textarea"); = "absolute"; = "0";
        textArea.value = str;
        const succeeded: boolean = document.execCommand("copy");
        diagnostics.trackEvent({ name: "copy", properties: { succeeded: succeeded, style: "textarea" } });
        Iif (!succeeded) {
            try {
                navigator.clipboard.writeText(str).then(function (): void {
                    diagnostics.trackEvent({ name: "copy", properties: { succeeded: "true", style: "navigator" } });
                }, function () {
                    diagnostics.trackEvent({ name: "copy", properties: { succeeded: "false", style: "navigator" } });
            catch { /**/ }
        try {
            const queryOpts: PermissionDescriptor = { name: "clipboard-write" as PermissionName };
            navigator.permissions.query(queryOpts).then(function (result: PermissionStatus) {
                diagnostics.trackEvent({ name: "copy", properties: { succeeded: succeeded, style: "permissions", clipboardWrite: result.state } });
        catch { /**/ }
    private static headerToURLMap: string[][] = [
        ["Accept-Language", ""],
        ["Archived-At", ""],
        ["ARC-Authentication-Results", ""],
        ["ARC-Message-Signature", ""],
        ["ARC-Seal", ""],
        ["Authentication-Results", ""],
        ["BCC", ""],
        ["CC", ""],
        ["Content-Description", ""],
        ["Content-Disposition", ""],
        ["Content-Id", ""],
        ["Content-Language", ""],
        ["Content-Transfer-Encoding", ""],
        ["Content-Type", ""],
        ["Date", ""],
        ["Deferred-Delivery", ""],
        ["DKIM-Signature", ""],
        ["From", ""],
        ["In-Reply-To", ""],
        ["Importance", ""],
        ["List-Help", ""],
        ["List-ID", ""],
        ["List-Subscribe", ""],
        ["List-Unsubscribe", ""],
        ["Message-ID", ""],
        ["MIME-Version", ""],
        ["Received", ""],
        ["Received-SPF", ""],
        ["References", ""],
        ["Reply-To", ""],
        ["Return-Path", ""],
        ["Sender", ""],
        ["Subject", ""],
        ["Thread-Index", ""],
        ["Thread-Topic", ""],
        ["To", ""],
        ["X-Auto-Response-Suppress", ""],
        ["X-Forefront-Antispam-Report", ""],
        ["X-Forefront-Antispam-Report-Untrusted", ""],
        ["X-Forefront-Prvs", ""],
        ["X-Message-Flag", ""],
        ["X-Microsoft-Antispam", ""],
        ["X-MS-Exchange-Organization-Antispam-Report", ""],
        ["X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthAs", ""],
        ["X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthMechanism", ""],
        ["X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthSource", ""],
        ["X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AutoForwarded", ""],
        ["X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AVStamp-Enterprise", ""],
        ["X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AVStamp-Mailbox", ""],
        ["X-MS-Exchange-Organization-Network-Message-Id", ""],
        ["X-MS-Exchange-Organization-PCL", ""],
        ["X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SCL", ""],
        ["X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SenderIdResult", ""],
        ["X-MS-Has-Attach", ""],
        ["X-MS-TNEF-Correlator", ""],
        ["X-Originating-IP", ""],
        ["X-Priority", ""],
        ["SFS", ""]
    public static htmlEncode(value: string): string { return value ? $("<div />").text(value).html() : ""; }
    public static mapHeaderToURL(headerName: string, text?: string): string {
        let url = "";
        Strings.headerToURLMap.forEach((h: string[]) => {
            if (url === "" && headerName.toLowerCase() === h[0]?.toLowerCase()) {
                url = h[1] ?? "";
        if (url !== "") {
            return ["<a href = '", url, "' target = '_blank'>", this.htmlEncode(text || headerName), "</a>"].join("");
        return "";
    public static mapValueToURL(text: string): string {
        try {
            return ["<a href='", text, "' target='_blank'>", this.htmlEncode(text), "</a>"].join("");
        } catch {
            return text;
    // Join an array with char, dropping empty/missing entries
    public static joinArray(array: (string | number | null)[] | null, char: string): string {
        if (!array) return "";
        return (array.filter(function (item) { return item; })).join(char);