All files / Scripts mhaStrings.ts

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export const mhaStrings = {
    // REST
    mhaLoading: "Loading...",
    mhaRequestSent: "Retrieving headers from server.",
    mhaFoundHeaders: "Found headers",
    mhaProcessingHeader: "Processing header",
    mhaHeadersMissing: "Message was missing transport headers. If this is a sent item this may be expected.",
    mhaMessageMissing: "Message not located.",
    mhaRequestFailed: "Failed to retrieve headers.",
    // Headers
    mhaNegative: "-",
    mhaMinute: "minute",
    mhaMinutes: "minutes",
    mhaSecond: "second",
    mhaSeconds: "seconds",
    mhaSummary: "Summary",
    mhaPrompt: "Insert the message header you would like to analyze",
    mhaReceivedHeaders: "Received headers",
    mhaForefrontAntiSpamReport: "Forefront Antispam Report Header",
    mhaAntiSpamReport: "Microsoft Antispam Header",
    mhaOtherHeaders: "Other headers",
    mhaOriginalHeaders: "Original headers",
    mhaDeliveredStart: "(Delivered after",
    mhaDeliveredEnd: ")",
    mhaParsingHeaders: "Parsing headers to tables",
    mhaProcessingReceivedHeader: "Processing received header ",
    // Summary
    mhaSubject: "Subject",
    mhaMessageId: "Message Id",
    mhaCreationTime: "Creation time",
    mhaFrom: "From",
    mhaReplyTo: "Reply to",
    mhaTo: "To",
    mhaCc: "Cc",
    mhaArchivedAt: "Archived at",
    // Received
    mhaReceivedHop: "Hop",
    mhaReceivedSubmittingHost: "Submitting host",
    mhaReceivedReceivingHost: "Receiving host",
    mhaReceivedTime: "Time",
    mhaReceivedDelay: "Delay",
    mhaReceivedType: "Type",
    mhaReceivedFrom: "From",
    mhaReceivedBy: "By",
    mhaReceivedWith: "With",
    mhaReceivedId: "Id",
    mhaReceivedFor: "For",
    mhaReceivedVia: "Via",
    mhaReceivedDate: "Date",
    mhaReceivedPercent: "Percent",
    // Other
    mhaNumber: "#",
    mhaHeader: "Header",
    mhaValue: "Value",
    // ForefrontAntiSpamReport
    mhaSource: "Source header",
    mhaUnparsed: "Unknown fields",
    mhaArc: "ARC protocol",
    mhaCountryRegion: "Country/Region",
    mhaLang: "Language",
    mhaScl: "Spam Confidence Level",
    mhaSfv: "Spam Filtering Verdict",
    mhaPcl: "Phishing Confidence Level",
    mhaIpv: "IP Filter Verdict",
    mhaHelo: "HELO/EHLO String",
    mhaPtr: "PTR Record",
    mhaCip: "Connecting IP Address",
    mhaCat: "Protection Policy Category",
    mhaSfty: "Phishing message",
    mhaSrv: "Bulk email status",
    mhaCustomSpam: "Advanced Spam Filtering",
    mhaSfs: "Spam rules",
    // AntiSpamReport
    mhaBcl: "Bulk Complaint Level"