All files / Scripts/row CreationRow.ts

100% Statements 8/8
100% Branches 0/0
100% Functions 3/3
100% Lines 8/8

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 143x 3x   3x   17x 17x 17x     37x 1x    
import { Strings } from "../Strings";
import { SummaryRow } from "./SummaryRow";
export class CreationRow extends SummaryRow {
    constructor(header: string, label: string) {
        super(header, label);
        this.url = Strings.mapHeaderToURL(header, label);
        this.postFix = "";
    postFix: string;
    override get value(): string { return this.valueInternal + this.postFix; }
    override set value(value: string) { this.valueInternal = value; }